Building repairs are now complete and in-person library visits return starting Monday, February 1, during regular library hours. Visits are limited to 30 minutes and by appointment only to meet limited capacity restrictions. Masks and social distancing are required at all times. Masks for children, teen, and adults are available in the main lobby.
Curbside service is still available for borrowing, faxing, printing, and copying! By appointment only, call 629-3993 to reserve your time.
We encourage patrons to return all items borrowed in 2020, including interlibrary loan/MeLCat items. Materials are quarantined before being loaned again. All returns should be placed in our outdoor or lobby dropboxes.
Place items on hold for pick-up through ourĀ catalogĀ or by calling the Library (629-3993) during regular business hours. We’re happy to help, and to schedule your appointment
We are excited to be back and look forward to seeing you soon.