The Albion District Library welcomes library use by children. Staff members are available to assist children with library materials or services. The Library desires to provide a safe and appropriate environment for visitors of all ages. The Library, however, is a public building with staff trained to provide public library services. The Library is not equipped and it is not the Library’s role to provide long- or short-term child care.
For the safety and comfort of children, a responsible adult or caregiver, aged 16 or over, must accompany children ages 8 and under, while they are using the Library. While in the Library, parents and caregivers are responsible for monitoring and regulating the behavior of their children.
- Children 5 years of age or under must have a parent/caregiver, 16 years of age or older, within visual proximity of them at all times. Exceptions may be made for library programming.
- Children ages 6 through 8 may use the Children’s Room unattended, provided they have a parent or caregiver, 16 years of age or older, present in the building.
- Children ages 9 and up may utilize the Library unattended, provided that they adhere to all Library policies and direction by staff.
- Children ages 8 and under will be referred to Albion Public Safety if Library staff members are unable to contact a parent or caregiver by closing time.
For the safety of all minor library patrons, Library staff will not confirm or deny the whereabouts of a minor to anyone other than a public safety officer, nor will they verbally page a minor for a phone call using the Library telephone.
Library staff members will be guided by this policy in situations, such as
- An unattended child is perceived to be endangering him/herself, or another person in the library poses a perceived threat to the unattended child
- An unattended child is found frightened or crying in the Library
- An unattended child exhibits inappropriate behavior
- An unattended child has not been met by a responsible caregiver at closing time
After evaluating the situation, Library staff members will attempt to contact the parent or guardian of an unattended child. In the event that the parent or guardian cannot be reached, the child will be placed in the care of Albion Public Safety.