April 23, 2020 at 6:00pm
This meeting will be held over Zoom due to the COVID-19 health crisis, Governor Whitmer’s stay-at-home order, and in accordance to the updated MI Open Meetings Act (Executive Order 2020-48). Members of the public can attend this virtual meeting by using the Zoom platform in an internet browser or by dialing in on your phone, using the information below.
To attend this meeting in your internet browser or Zoom app, click this link -> https://zoom.us/j/99809476274)
OR attend by calling from your home or smart phone.
Dial by your location (not toll-free, chose either)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 998 0947 6274
All members of the public will be muted except during the public comment portions of the meeting.
Persons may direct input or ask questions on any business that will come before the Board at the meeting by contacting a Trustee (contact information provided HERE) or Director Stanczak, by phone at 517-629-3993 or email (director@albionlibrary.org) in advance of the meeting.
Persons with disabilities may request accommodation in order to participate in the meeting by contacting Director Stanczak, by phone at 517-629-3993 or email (director@albionlibrary.org) in advance of the meeting. Questions or comments during public comment will also be accepted via Zoom chat.
For a copy of the meeting agenda, click HERE.
Albion District Library Board of Trustees is comprised of seven members representing the residents of the approximately 67 square miles of the City of Albion (3), Albion Township (2), and the Marshall Public School District (2) within Sheridan Township. Library Board meetings, held monthly, are open to the public.
The Library Board of Trustees directs the funds and policies of the library, hires and evaluates the library director, establishes goals and objectives for the library, and develops future growth and priorities of the library.
Meetings: Monthly – Fourth Thursday at 6:00 p.m. (unless otherwise noted)